Architecture Archive

(These paintings reside in private collections. View currently available paintings here.)

For Jennifer’s ongoing series of the Canadian Railway Hotels, click here

"My work is based on the exploration and re-interpretation of historic architecture and landscape at home and abroad. While moving through an ancient space, one can feel transported to another era.  I love speculating about who occupied or passed through a place, what events unfolded there, whose hands skillfully carved each detail, and whose mind dreamed of such a space.  While “in the field,” I search or wait for transient moments of light that help describe dimension, atmosphere, texture and time. "

“Jennifer Annesley, is one of only a handful of Canadian artists who can capture the sensation of time and place so successfully that viewers feel they are observing the real thing. Her dipictions of interiors of famous landmarks in particular give the impression not only of being there, but months later, one can almost remember visiting the location. Her images seem to evoke a mass consciousness of a sense of familiarity with her subjects.”

— (Milena Katz, Writer, Parkhurst Exchange , Montreal, Quebec)

 Architecture   |   Landscape   |   Still Life   |  Grand Hotels